Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We went to the train station Kyoto and had some doughnuts for breakfast in the Mister Donut, they were amazing and on the train to Nagoya we went.We checked into our hostel. Philip had stayed there before so he knew it was good. They had a Japanese style toilet so I knew I would like it too. After settling in, we got a taxi to the city centre and paid a visit to the TV Tower. It looks very similar to the Eiffel Tower.

We then went to a shopping mall that had a ferris wheel attached to the side of it. We decided we would go on it later but never did. We looked in the shopping centre for some food but it wasn't a great choice so we started walking back to the hostel and stopped in to Freshness Burger. A franchise that was great and we ate in a few of them over the trip. We also popped into a few little market places where I bought a t-shirt with Japanese symbols. There was a sign saying what they meant, I forget what it means now but I remember thinking it was stupid.

In the hostel, we got ready to go out and went to The Red Rock, an Australian bar where we ate dinner and had a few drinks. A drunk Japanese girl started talking to us. She lived in Wales for a while. She was  weird but it was entertaining chatting to her.

We then moved on to My Bar, an Argentinian bar. We ended up sitting next to a table of insane Japanese guys. 2 of which really liked to shout over everyone to be heard. At one stage it ended up talking about football which involved us saying the name of a Japanese player or football club and they would shout and them replying by shouting the name of a European team or player and to humour them we were shouting. Our Brazilian waitress seemed to like hanging out with us when she wasn't busy. She spoke English so it was a refreshing change from shouting single words at a group of Japanese guys. At one point one of the Japanese guys seemed very offended because we told him he was lucky to be with his wife. We said this because his friends seemed to enjoy making her look a bit stupid in front of us. Japan is quite a sexist nation and I don't think he liked us defending her making him look stupid. Towards the end of the night, a social website photographer came in a took pictures of people in the bar. We noticed they started telling people that the bar was closed, including the Japanese guys we were sitting with but nobody told us to leave and we were allowed even have another drink. I don't know why but we didn't complain. We left soon anyway.

Eric decided he would go back to the hostel at this point as Philip and I wanted to stay out a bit more. We ended up going to a bar where all the staff were dressed like cowgirls. It was an interesting themed bar but I think very soon into our 2nd drink, we were feeling a bit tired so we went back to the hostel.

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